Friday, February 10, 2012

the freaking remote

The tivo remote was missing.  This is a huge deal to some people in my household.  It is not a big deal to me because I honestly don't know how to use the dang thing and all those shows that are recorded for me are going to sit there unwatched until the earth spins into space probably.  So we had a double whammy that shouldn't have been any trouble for me.  I mean really.  Because there it is: the device the children want in the midst of the trash heap of the living room that is filled with their crap, not mine.  Anyone with a lick of sense could figure out that the children need to clean up the room (and put stuff away) and they will find the remote.

Unfortunately, I was home.  I actually wished desperately that I had class to go to last night because that would have been way better than the reality.  Spawn is incapable of looking for anything.  When she was little, we used to make fun of her- she'd stand in the middle of her room spinning around looking at eye level saying "where is my underwear?"  I'm not making this up.  She'd look at the ceiling to find her shoes.  So here's spawn's contribution to the looking: she reported that spouse thought the remote had fallen in the trashcan and that now this $200 piece of equipment was now useless.  Yes, of course, if the remote MIGHT be in the trash why bother looking anywhere else.  (Yes, I did wonder why said spouse didn't go look in the freaking trash, but the answer to that doesn't fit here chronologically.)

Littleloudone, who used to be the best finder in the house, was having one of her days.  Possibly exacerbated by the figurative sharp stick that spawn was applying to the situation.  So I decided if the kids cleaning wasn't going to happen, that we could try a simple exchange of services.  Told LLO that I would look for the remote as soon she started practicing her drum.  (I personally thought this was win-win since it would help avoid the drama next week of getting adequate drum practice in.)  This was the worst idea you can imagine.  Fit ensued.

Then the phone call.  Do I ever hate the phone.  I made Spawn take it and speak to her dad (as I will still a pissed about the trash comment and now pretty much incapable of speech.)  He had to stay late at work.  Spawn, being a basically kind, problem-solving child decided to cook dinner.  Which is great.  Except that she wanted to make some kind of pork stir fry and LLO and I both really just wanted mac-n-cheese.  I had an appointment at school in less than an hour and Spawn really takes her time (and makes a huge mess) when she cooks.  Well, she strongly believed that we should save the mac-n-cheese for when we were in a hurry.  Because you know there is only so many boxes of Kraft mac-n-cheese at the store.  She didn't like my answer.  So upstairs she goes and starts wailing, opening the door every so often just so I know she is still upset.

And there's LLO calling me everything but mother.  And then.  Poof.  I said something about respect (no idea what, honestly) and LLO says to me (this I do remember verbatim):  You will never know how much I respect you.  And I definitely thought, yes, you are right, I never will.  Next thing I know, she practices her drum for the full 30 minutes without my saying another word.  I clean the living room.  I found all kinds of goodies in the couch including a remote (the wrong one), Spawn's missing inhaler, some kind of corkscrew device, and a whole lot of icky stuff that I left there.  I went to my meeting, came home to dinner and calm.  The second I walk in the door, LLO remembers where she dropped the remote the day before and that was that.

And we wonder why I'm nuts.

1 comment:

  1. Love the part about her opening her door so you would still know she was upset! Tanner wailed through most of his shower (with the door open - BRRR!) the other night to let us know how unfair we were for not letting him have dessert.
