Thursday, December 30, 2010

resolution about resolutions

New Year's Resolutions.  I'm the queen of making them- usually the queen of breaking them within a week.  Those were the resolutions that are BORING: lose weight, get healthier, exercise, be more patient.  Ick.  Resolutions used to be about following rules. 

Last year I made a different kind of resolution: play.  This was a good resolution for me.  I needed more fun in my life- I was bored, dissatisfied, unhappy.  I was quite successful with this resolution.  I had a great year.  I made new friends, tried new things, played Rock Band on the Wii, took a girl time weekend, went to parties, played games with my kids, reconnected with the spouse, got happy.  And being happy and playful spilled over into everything else.  I smiled more and laughed often.  I began enjoying again the things I used to love.  I made scenes with my family (usually in the living room, but not always).  I even had a good time working.

I started writing.  I took two classes (still contemplating grad school) both of which required writing- even that was fun for me.  I started this blog just because I knew you wanted to know my everything little thought.  I found other writing outlets.  I've wanted to write children's books for most of my adult life and just never took that plunge.  I still haven't, but I still might.  In any case, I've discovered this is not the only option for me.  You never know, I may actually write a book someday. As readers of my blog (suckers), you are entitled to signed first editions.

I rediscovered my family as a source of amusement.  They are funny.  Hardly a day goes by when something doesn't come up that is wildly hilarious.  And I laugh.  I don't hide it.  I guarantee you that the ability to laugh at one's (self and) family makes the rough times much more bearable.  Often, in fact, a rough spot can be patched nicely with a little laughter.  This is especially true with my volatile pre-preteen.  With a little strategically placed giggle, I can turn her colossal fit of temper into a colossal fit of laughter.  You know, of course, that the older spawn and I can guffaw uncontrollably together.  They think I'm a bit wacky and perhaps "inappropriate"- Rebecca's word.  Wacky is good.

With the rapid approach of 2011, I got to thinking about what I wanted from this new year.  I do have some things that need to be improved upon that probably require a little seriousness.  But I don't want to ditch my "have fun" state of mind.  It's good for us.  I need to be a better parent, get spawn #1 on the school bus occasionally, work on the colossal temper of #2, maybe dig through the disaster that is my home.  I've decided that play is still top priority, but that maybe playing with my kids more would be the solution.  They are always looking for more attention and perhaps getting more of the play variety attention (instead of the nagging that we all hate) will lead to improvements in the serious stuff.  Of course, playing with my people is fun!


  1. I think learning to make ourselves and our lives outside of motherhood a priority is the best example we can give our children. No one can live our lives but us.
    Sometimes I have to remember to let the negative feelings fade and step outside and play. When I need a reminder I can read this. All the best in 2011! I know we will have fun in cyber space and in real space.

  2. I'm so proud of you Carrie. What a great year to look back on! I guarantee the next one will be even better :)
